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June 24, 2023

How to rank higher on TPT so that your products get more visibility

 Ready to level up your TPT game and shine bright?

Let's talk about KEYWORDS!!!

Mighty Title Keywords: The Key to Catching Attention

Choose relevant keywords that shout, "This resource is what you need!" When your title is packed with the right keywords, it becomes a magnet for educators searching for exactly what you offer. 

Long-Tail Keywords: Dynamic Sidekicks for Discoverability

Be specific with your keywords, like "engaging geometry games." These long-tail keywords work wonders for discoverability, helping your resource stand out amidst the crowd. By using more specific terms, you attract a targeted audience who are actively seeking resources that match their unique needs. It's like having a dynamic sidekick that brings the right teachers straight to your virtual classroom. But please DO NOT add 10 keywords that don't make sense together(remember Teachers are tired and if you make their brains do extra work they probably won't  click your product.)

Preserve Your Title's Magic: Consistency is Key

Resist the temptation to constantly update your title. Consistency is crucial for maintaining your hard-earned SEO ranking. When you frequently change your title, search engines may get confused, leading to a drop in visibility and potential loss of traction. Plus, resisting the urge to update your title frequently helps maintain your ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). By keeping your title intact, you ensure that your resource remains a reliable and trustworthy choice for educators searching for specific content.

Supercharge Your Description: Captivate and Engage

Your resource description is your chance to shine and capture the hearts of educators. Craft a compelling narrative that highlights the unique benefits and features of your creation. Sprinkle those mighty keywords throughout your description, but always prioritize natural language and engagement. By creating a captivating description that aligns with your chosen keywords, you boost your resource's appeal and increase the chances of getting noticed by potential buyers.

Tags! Enhance Discoverability

Create a well-rounded tag strategy that aligns with your keywords. By mixing general and specific tags, you cast a wider net and increase the chances of attracting the right audience to your resource. These tags act as guiding beacons, leading educators directly to your valuable content and boosting your overall visibility on TPT.

Unleash the power of keywords and conquer the TPT ranking game! By keeping your title keywords relevant, resisting the urge to update too frequently, and enhancing your resource with captivating descriptions and strategic tags, you'll soar to new heights of success. Embrace the magic of keywords and watch your resource shine bright in the TPT world!

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